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4 Accounting Tips for Entrepreneurs

Did you know that it is possible to optimize your company’s profits with tax benefits? Small changes in the accounting structure can result in a significant reduction in the tax burden.

It’s time to uncover the accounting secrets that can transform your business. Check out these 4 accounting tips that will revolutionize your company’s financial management. Ready? Let’s go!

1.Take Advantage of the Income Tax Exemption on Company Profits

Our first accounting tip involves understanding the relationship between Pró-Labore and Profit Distribution. Pró-Labore represents the remuneration of the entrepreneur and is subject to social security contributions and personal income tax. On the other hand, Profit Distribution is exempt from income tax, meaning that all profits available to partners can be distributed without income tax, as long as they are properly accounted for.

2.Explore Tax Avoidance to Reduce the Tax Burden

Tax avoidance consists of legal tax strategies to minimize the tax burden. Simple changes in the business structure can result in significant tax savings. For example, changing the business activity to a more favorable tax category can reduce the tax rate, ensuring savings without breaking the law.

3.Digitize and Organize Accounting Documents

The era of paper in accounting is over. Digitizing and organizing accounting documents are essential to reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency. In most cases, only specific documents need to be kept in physical format, while the rest can be digitized and securely stored in the cloud, providing easy access and ensuring compliance with legal standards.

4.Take Advantage of Exemptions from Simples Nacional

Companies opting for Simples Nacional are entitled to some tax exemptions, including the exemption from withholding federal taxes at the source. By informing that your company is classified under Simples Nacional, you can avoid withholding at the paying source, ensuring greater availability of financial resources.

As your accounting partner, Conmax is here to help your company implement these tips efficiently and results-oriented. With our expertise in accounting and accounting outsourcing, we can provide personalized support to optimize your financial management, ensuring compliance with current legislation and maximizing available tax benefits. Count on us to boost the growth and success of your business in 2024 and beyond.

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