Welcome to Conmax, the business accounting practice that has revolutionized the way companies manage their finances. From basic accounting to advanced financial consulting, we provide a wide range of services tailored to meet your specific demands. With a highly qualified and experienced team, we are committed to helping you achieve your company's financial success.

Quality and commitment for over 37 years and well satisfied customers

We are located in São Paulo and Fortaleza, operating in several Brazilian states, with clients from various segments. We have an interdisciplinary team of professionals capable of providing our customers with the security and reliability required for full business development.

Customers testimonials

  • Contabilidade Empresarial
    "Since our first real estate investment in Brazil, more than 15 years ago, we have always counted on Conmax. As an investor, I think it was good luck to find this Foreign Capital consulting firm. An excellent experience received from the entire Conmax team, always ready to give the right answers to us foreigners, who need a lot of specialized assistance in Business Accounting. Today, remembering the many battles achieved, thanks to the enormous competence and seriousness, we thank the great Friend Iramar for our growth, with security, tranquility and trust. Thanks!"
    Moreno Grandi
    CEO Projetomar Incorporações
  • Contabilidade Empresarial
    "As a lawyer in Italy, working with foreign companies with several offices around the world, I have had legal, tax and corporate collaboration with Conmax for over 15 years. I can say that I have never found so much competence, professional precision and seriousness in Brazil. It is a pleasure to work together with Dr. Iramar, now a great friend, and with all the Conmax staff."
    Eva Pellegrin
    Partner Studio Legale Bonomi, Milano - Itália
  • Contabilidade Empresarial
    "We, at Nutrinor, for more than 20 years in the state of Ceará and working in several states of the Northeast region, feel guided and safe in all decision-making, with the strong, intelligent and successful partnership of CONMAX since the beginning of our activity. A relationship built with respect, ethics, trust and hard work, generating sustainable mutual growth. Congratulations, Conmax! We want to be together in the victories and challenges of the next 30 years!"
    Ilomar G. Donadel
    Diretor Executivo da Nutrinor
  • Contabilidade Empresarial
    "Conmax was and has been fundamental in building the history of Holiday Inn Fortaleza and Hotel Consulte Ltda. The seriousness and professionalism of its team have a positive impact on the security and tranquility with which we conduct our business in accounting, tax/tax and administrative matters. That's why we've been together for over 17 years."
    Luis Carlos Mendes
    Asset MGT Holiday Inn Fortaleza

Some of our customers



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